Must-Attend CME Courses for Fall 2021

November 19, 2021
Global Neurosurgery Education Summit 2021

This course will bring together neurosurgeons and health policy leaders from around the world who are involved in the training and education of neurosurgeons in developing countries. These assembled leaders will review the current status of neurosurgery in developing countries and the neurosurgical support coming from North America and Europe, identify key factors for success in overcoming barriers for the development of sustainable global neurosurgery models, identify key failures, and identify ways for neurosurgery health care providers to get involved in a meaningful way. A special end-of-day session will focus on developing a consensus statement of best practices in global neurosurgery education and training. Register online

See agenda, faculty list, CME info, and more >> 

December 9-11, 2021
NYC-MISS 2021: 15th New York City Minimally Invasive Spine and Enabling Technologies Symposium

This unique course will provide a comprehensive overview of new and less invasive techniques with and without stereotactic navigation for the operative treatment of spinal disorders. Proponents and critics of MIS surgery will discuss the pros and cons of MIS approaches, establishing the skills essential in selecting appropriate patients for MIS surgery. Live spinal surgery demonstrations will allow the participant to watch the latest spinal techniques, including spinal navigation, using state-of-the-art models.

Register online

See agenda, faculty list, CME info, and more >> 

Neurological Surgery 525 E. 68th St., Starr 651, Box 99 New York, NY 10065